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Wedding Day Survival Kit

Everything's sorted, paid off and there's only a few days to go. Now I don't want to be the one to put thought's into your head but have you really got everything sorted?
What happens if you fake eyelash decides to come loose? Your lipstick wears off? A broken fly?
Never fear! Here are a few essentials for any Bride & Groom!
Sewing Kit
A travel sewing kit can be a life saver! Loose seams, broken fly's, loose buttons... all fixable! So even if someone does manage to get caught and rip something, crisis averted! HORRAY!

Makeup Bag
Waterproof mascara should be one that doesn't even need to be mentioned! Tweezers, eyelash glue, lipstick, eyeliner, eye shadow, a compact mirror, cotton buds & tooth brush and toothpaste! Clear nail varnish for any last minute tight ladders oh and don't forget foundation & powder - even the Groom doesn't want the only memory of his wedding day to be that huge spot on his nose!
Spare Shoes
Bride & Groom.... there's no shame in admitting defeat at your reception and rocking out some comfy shoes! After all you want to enjoy your day not spend it wincing every time you take a step!
Hair Clips & hairspray
Bobby pins. Sort out those fly a way's stat!! Bobby pins can even come in helpful to keeping that tie tail at bay or holding a pocket handkerchief in place!
Deodorant, perfume & aftershave
Nerves equal sweating. Do I really need to say more?!
Yes. Really. If your having a summer wedding this really is a must! Do you want tan lines that match your wedding dress on your honeymoon? How about a red faced Groom in all the photos? Plus I haven't even mentioned sun spots, sun burn.....
From blisters to someone cutting their finger on something. Imagine blood on your gorgeous gown or freshly steamed suit?! eurgh!
Your probably going to cry..... and even if you don't you know your mother will!
Stress headaches, painful blisters..... always better to be prepared!
Ask someone you trust to have a bit of spare cash for you, as you'll never know when you'll need it!

You'll be kissing hundreds of people, always nice to keep fresh and minty!


Hopefully you won't need any of the above on your wedding day, but failing to prepare is preparing to fail and as you've already spent so long planning these few bits are really nothing in comparison! 

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