I got married back in October 2012, and it was everything I'd hoped it would have been.
When I say it was everything I'd hoped, I mean I want to do it all over again. Now, now now now!
I adored getting married, I loved the experience, the nerves, the panic, the sheer thrill of seeing everything that I'd been planning for, come together in one huge larger than life day.
Don't get me wrong, looking back it was horribly stressful, expensive and at sometimes a total headache but anything that's worth having is definitely worth fighting for!
After the horror of the registry office interviews to give notice of marriage (and wondering if what I just told them was actually his birthday) it still hadn't really sunk in. It was all just paperwork, figures and pretty things in photos. What I didn't know was the huge and wonderful world that is the wedding industry.
I remember going to a wedding dress fair for a closed down business and instantly falling in love with this white dress with diamantes and pearls all over it. Literally everything I said I didn't want and there it was, layers of tulle and glitter and a corset I could barely breathe in. Sadly it was a few sizes too small and I was a fair few stone heavier than I am now.
So heartbroken I continued on my wedding journey and what a rollercoaster ride that turned out to be.
I found myself in a wedding dress shop that will remain nameless, looking for a dress similar to the one I fell head over heels for and to be fair I found one that was pretty close. I tried it on and it was perfect; only problem being it was £1000 over my budget.
Now unfortunately that is where my wedding dress shopping ended for me in this nameless shop. I was simply told 'Well there's no point in looking at anything else now and it won't compare' even though she knew I couldn't afford the dress, she wasn't even willing to help me look for something in my price range.
Two weeks later I found myself in gorgeous little Victorian style wedding dress shop, by appointment only. The sales woman started by asking what I was looking for and what my budget was, a completely different approach to the nameless shop!
She then pulled out every single dress in my price range and told me to look through them.
Then I spotted it.
Almost identical to the one I had fallen so much in love with, only better.
It was the only dress I tried on that day and it was almost a fight to get me out of it.
Fast forward six months to when I got the phonecall.
You know the one that gives you butterfly's and instantly makes you feel sick all at the same time.
My dress was ready.
I made an appointment with the seamstress for a week later and then I found myself in a tiny work room with my perfect dress.
3 appointments later it was done, it fitted like a glove & I was the happiest girl in the world.
Now I haven't sold my wedding dress, I keep wanting too but something just keeps holding me back. I mean I know I'll never get to wear it again and I know that not only will it now be huge but I just can't seem to part ways with it.
One of the most embarrassing but memorable moments I have of my dress is having to pee!
Now I know this might be TMI but I'm sure I'm not the only bride who has had this problem and to be perfectly honest I didn't even think about it before the day!
So I realised I had to pee during our wedding breakfast so off I pop to the ladies. Only to discover my perfect dress is HUGE and I can't even fit into the toilet stall.
Subtly I walk back to the head table and grab two of my bridesmaids, then off we go on a mission. Eventually we find a disabled toilet and then I realise I can't even get to the toilet without someone holding my dress. Yup, you can see where this is going.
BOTH my bridesmaids ended up holding my dress up so I could go. To add insult to injury one of my lovely ladies then says oh you have a twig stuck under here and goes to get it out......
It was a branch. And I mean a whole tree branch and not a particularly small one at that!!!
Somehow an entire tree branch had got stuck in the tulle and was completely unseen until that moment.
Another memorable moment for me was getting that dress off! By the end of the night, I was tired, I hurt from the corset and I was so desperate to get into my PJs I would have done just about anything to get it off!
All in all though I adored my wedding dress. As I said before I can't bear to part with it so I think somewhere deep inside I still love that dress as much as I did the day I picked it up.
I know from my experience you will go into some shops and leave feeling deflated and uninspired but don't give up! The perfect dress is there, you just have to find the right person to help you get there.